Are There Sharks in Barcelona Beach?

by | Jul 26, 2024 | Pub Crawl Barcelona

Ready for the ultimate nightlife adventure? Dive deep into the heart of the city’s vibrant scenes with our pub crawl in Barcelona. Every stop is a new story, every drink a memory waiting to be made. Get ready for an unforgettable evening!

Barcelona is one of the most visited cities of Europe with best sun kissed sandy beaches, most energetic populace, and mouth-watering cuisine. So, if you are going to visit this marvellous city and have any questions about sharks keep reading because here in this post we will provide you with all the necessary information that you need to have an amazing time on Barcelona beaches.

The species of sharks seen in the Barcelona beach

For the record, the probabilities of having a close encounter with dangerous sharks in the beaches of Barcelona are as good as one in a million. The region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea that Barcelona occupies is estimated to harbor 47 shark species, the large majority of which present little to no threat to humans.

Some of the most common shark species found in the Mediterranean include:

  • Blue Shark
  • Smooth-hound
  • Thresher Shark
  • Spiny Dogfish Shark
  • Angel Shark
  • And more!

Shark precautionary measures implemented in Barcelona

Even though sharks attacks are no common incidence in Barcelona, authorities pay a lot of attention to beach safety. Crazy and funny people, they are still security guards and their mission is to watch over safety on the beaches in Barcelona. In addition, forty kilometers of Barcelona’s beaches are among the world’s cleanest, with high ratings for water quality every year.

Measures to ensure the safety of the beach going persons

Admittedly, the chances of coming across one of the ocean’s dangerous residents are slim to none, but safety comes first. Here are some precautions you can take to ensure a safe beach experience:

1. Swim in Designated Areas

Swim only in areas that have been restricted to swimmers by lifeguards. These areas are illustrated by flags that signal the nature and conditions of safe swimming.

2. Avoid Swimming Alone

It is not only a better and more fun solution to swim with friends or family members, but it’s definitely safer as well. Hug and watch out for each other while in the training pool.

3. Here follow some specific rules and regulations of the beach:

Of the essentials, heed any matters communicated by lifeguards on duty. Yes, they are, to update you and to safeguard you in any way they can.

4. Stay Away from Fishing Areas

A person should not swim when fishers are fishing or near fishing zones or areas that fishermen frequently use. The sharks could potentially go for these area and thus should be avoided all together.

5. No Shiny or Reflective Jewelry Should Be Worn

Stainless or gleaming ornaments may be compared to the scales of a fish, and may attract some sharks. This is best handled at home or even put in a secure bag while swimming is going on.


The beaches in Barcelona are an excellent chance to rent a deck chair, swim and sun tan by the crystal waters of the Mediterranean Sea in security. There are sharks within these waters, however, you are not likely to come across a dangerous shark species. With appropriate measures of safety that has been advised herein, one is consequently able to have an excellent beach time in Barcelona.

Eager for an unmatched evening escapade? Plunge into Barcelona’s pulsing nightlife with our iconic pub crawl in Barcelona. Each venue unravels a fresh tale, every sip crafts a lasting memory. Prepare for a night like no other!

Are There Sharks in Barcelona Beach?